-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Author : Pavan Yennampelli
-- Description : Displays cache hit ratio for the database.
-- Comments : The minimum figure of 89% is often quoted, but depending on the type of system this may not be possible.
-- Requirements : Access to the v$ views.
-- Call Syntax : @cache_hit_ratio
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PROMPT Hit ratio should exceed 89%
SELECT Sum(Decode(a.name, 'consistent gets', a.value, 0)) "Consistent Gets",
Sum(Decode(a.name, 'db block gets', a.value, 0)) "DB Block Gets",
Sum(Decode(a.name, 'physical reads', a.value, 0)) "Physical Reads",
Round(((Sum(Decode(a.name, 'consistent gets', a.value, 0)) +
Sum(Decode(a.name, 'db block gets', a.value, 0)) -
Sum(Decode(a.name, 'physical reads', a.value, 0)) )/
(Sum(Decode(a.name, 'consistent gets', a.value, 0)) +
Sum(Decode(a.name, 'db block gets', a.value, 0))))
*100,2) "Hit Ratio %"
FROM v$sysstat a;
-- Author : Pavan Yennampelli
-- Description : Displays cache hit ratio for the database.
-- Comments : The minimum figure of 89% is often quoted, but depending on the type of system this may not be possible.
-- Requirements : Access to the v$ views.
-- Call Syntax : @cache_hit_ratio
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PROMPT Hit ratio should exceed 89%
SELECT Sum(Decode(a.name, 'consistent gets', a.value, 0)) "Consistent Gets",
Sum(Decode(a.name, 'db block gets', a.value, 0)) "DB Block Gets",
Sum(Decode(a.name, 'physical reads', a.value, 0)) "Physical Reads",
Round(((Sum(Decode(a.name, 'consistent gets', a.value, 0)) +
Sum(Decode(a.name, 'db block gets', a.value, 0)) -
Sum(Decode(a.name, 'physical reads', a.value, 0)) )/
(Sum(Decode(a.name, 'consistent gets', a.value, 0)) +
Sum(Decode(a.name, 'db block gets', a.value, 0))))
*100,2) "Hit Ratio %"
FROM v$sysstat a;