10g Duplicate cloning

Source Database: prod
Target Database: stage

Perform below steps on Target Database:
Check out for passwords and save passwords
>/as sysdba
SQL> select name from v$database;
Spooling the usernames and passwords along with alter syntax
set echo off
set head off
set pagesize 0
set feedback off
spool alter.sql
select 'alter user '||NAME||' identified by values '''||password||''';' from sys.USER$;
spool off

Spooling the create user’s script (in case the users won’t be available after refresh)
set echo off
set head off
set pagesize 0
set feedback off
spool pre_refresh_user.sql
select 'create user '||username||'  identified by values '''||b.password||'''  default tablespace  '||default_tablespace||'  temporary tablespace   '||temporary_tablespace||'  profile default ; ' from dba_users a, user$ b
where a.username=b.name and a.username in (
select username from dba_users where username like  '%%' )  ;
spool off

Spooling the pre refresh privs of users
spool sys_privs.sql
select 'grant '||privilege||' to '||grantee||' ; '  from dba_sys_privs where grantee in (
select username from dba_users where username like '%%' ) ;
spool off

Spooling the pre refresh roles on grantees
spool pre_refresh_role_privs.sql
select 'grant '||granted_role||' to '||grantee||' ; '  from dba_role_privs where grantee like '%%';
spool off

Spooling the pre refresh grants on tables
spool owner.sql
select 'grant '||privilege||' on '||owner||'.'||table_name||' to  '||grantee||' ; ' from dba_tab_privs ;
spool off

Spooling the DB_Links.

Spool DB_Links.sql

'create '||DECODE(U.NAME,'PUBLIC','public ')||'database link '||CHR(10)
||DECODE(U.NAME,'PUBLIC',Null, U.NAME||'.')|| L.NAME||chr(10)   
||'connect to ' || L.USERID || ' identified by '''
||L.PASSWORD||''' using ''' || L.host || ''''  
||chr(10)||';' TEXT
FROM  sys.link$       L,     
sys.user$       U

Verify the below parameters
SQL> show parameter cluster_database

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
cluster_database                     boolean     TRUE

Need to make cluster_database parameter false to do active database duplicate if target is cluster database.
SQL>  alter system set cluster_database=false scope=spfile sid='*';
System altered.
Take the backup of pfile:
SQL> create pfile='location' from spfile;
Shutdown the cluster database using srvctl utility and bring any one of the instance with mount restrict state.

srvctl stop database -d db_name
on instance1:
sql>startup mount pfile='location of backup pfile taken in previous step' restrict;
SQL> select name from v$database;
SQL> drop database;
Database dropped.
Startup the database with nomount stage.
sql>startup nomount pfile='location of backup pfile taken in previous step' ;
Create new password file as same as production password
take backup of password file on target database and create a new password file with the source database password
check the network connectivity from source db to target and target db to source db
  Take one full backup  and archive backup of prod.
 In Stage:

connect to rman:
$rman target sys/xxxxxxx@prod auxiliary sys/xxxxxxx@stage

run {
allocate channel ch1 device type disk;
allocate auxiliary channel ch4 device type disk format 'backup location of prod';
allocate auxiliary channel ch5 device type disk format '
backup location of prod';
allocate auxiliary channel ch6 device type disk format '
backup location of prod';
duplicate target database to  stage;
release channel ch1;
release channel ch4;
release channel ch5;
release channel ch6;



Create new spfile and enable cluster mode
restart the database with srvctl utility
run the scripts taken while pre steps
Disable the archive mode
verify  the database name  
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